- Real estate

What Should Be, A Real Estate Agent’s DUTY?

Many people become licensed, to sell real estate, but, far fewer become quality, effective, meaningful, real estate agents! It takes more than, mere, knowledge, understanding, and/ or, even, commitment, to abide, by, one’s essential duties, and necessary responsibilities, but, it is important, to consider, examine, and know, an agent’s major DUTY! Before one hires the best individual, to serve and represent, his interests, when it comes to obtaining the best. finest, results, when it comes to selling, what to most, is their single – biggest, financial asset (their house), he must demand, that individual, represents him, with the utmost degree of professionalism, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and, why, it’s important to recognize, and understand.

1. Discover; deliver; determine: Great agents always, open, their minds, and discover, the best way, to market, a particular piece of real estate! They focus, and proceed, forward, proactively, in order to deliver the quality performance, and results, their clients need, and deserve. They must be ready, willing, and able to determine, market value, the particular niche, and the best approach, for each, individual client, and property.

2. Useful; usual/ unusual; urges; unique: Why hire someone, if their service and representation isn’t useful, and helpful? Hire someone, who pays keen attention, to both, the usual, as well as unusual, features of a particular property, and the specific marketing, needed, to get the most desirable results! This person must be willing to urge his client, to work, as a team – mate, and implement, a customized, unique, approach, for every listing!

3. Timely; time – tested: There is no reason, to reinvent the wheel, so, one must study, learn, discover, and utilize, time – tested techniques and approaches! Never procrastinate, because, only, consistent, well – considered, timely action, serves a client’s best interests!

4. You; your: It’s the responsibility, and duty, of your representative, to prioritize you, instead of his, self – interest! Great agents make a difference, for the better, by effectively listening, proceeding with the utmost degree of genuine empathy, and consistently, considering, the best way, to proceed, to make the best deal, for you, and negotiate favorable, quality terms, in a timely manner!

Hire someone, who takes his DUTY, to clients, seriously, and avoids taking short – cuts, merely because they may be paths, of lesser resistance! Real estate agents must prove their value, in everything they do!